1 min read • viewpoint

Managed services for telecom operators

Removing the efficiency barrier customers face from technological complexity



Managed services are becoming increasingly popular with businesses around the world. The global market for managed services is expected to grow from USD 160 billion in 2014 to USD 286 billion in 2019, at an estimated CAGR of 12% over the next few years.
This paper will shed more light on the delivery complexities. Global customers demand service that is uniform worldwide, with all the operational complexities this entails. At the same time, national mid-sized and even small enterprises require factory-like delivery of managed services.
Customers buy managed services to increase staff productivity beyond the complexity barrier.
Examples include integrating a unified communication system with a Microsoft Exchange solution, establishing a single-sign-on federation mechanism and the like. However, for operators this means that successfully delivering managed services requires them to be more efficient in managing the client's technical complexity than the clients themselves are. And this is precisely where the problem rests.