Disruption Denial

By David Guillebaud
How Companies Are Ignoring What Is Staring Them in the Face


Disruption Denial: How Companies Are Ignoring What Is Staring Them in the Face is available now.

Offering transformation guidance, Disruption Denial could not be timelier, as companies and executives face the threat of disruptive change.

Many companies are struggling to cope with the massive change and disruption in the age of new technology.

We live in a world of constant change and disruption caused mainly by new technology. Unfortunately, businesses all too often fall prey to widespread apathy, paralysis, and confusion when faced with such disruptors, both established and new, digital and organizational. Why? Because denial is the natural default response, given how executives' brains function and how they are trained.

What companies and executives must do to overcome the disruptive challenges caused by new technology?

In Disruption Denial, David Guillebaud examines why companies feel paralyzed in the headlights of onrushing disruption. By providing comprehensive analysis and understanding of this counterproductive tendency towards denial, David Guillebaud is able to guide executives to a new perspective on how to face disruption, accept reality, and take corrective action.

This important book explains the main barriers to managing disruption successfully - and how to overcome them.

Full of insightful case studies and lessons gained from the author’s work with leading companies, this is a hugely timely book when virtually all companies and executives must deal with the threat of disruptive change. As Stephen Warrington points out in the foreword to this groundbreaking book: “It is for those on whom the lion’s share of our economy and prosperity depends; those who lead, or aspire to lead, the organizations, large and small, that provide most of our products and services, and employ most of our people. Many of these organizations are at risk of becoming moribund.”

Key Concepts
  • What Are the Forces of Disruption and What Do They Mean?
  • Denial: How this Seems to Be the Default Setting for Enterprises When Confronted by Disruptive Change
  • Moving Beyond Denial: Obligations and Options for Survival

“This highly readable book gives an excellent summary of the forces of digital and organizational disruption, and challenges management to get out of a state of denial and get ready with survival strategies.”
Alex Cruz
Endorser's Title
Chairman and CEO, British Airways
“Far from being preachy or patronizing, Guillebaud speaks directly to the reader, using many real-world and recognizable examples to illustrate his points. If you only have time to read one book on management this year, choose this one.”
Christopher (Rusty) Tunnard
Endorser's Title
Professor of International Business, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

David Guillebaud

David is a senior advisor to CEOs and top management teams on strategy and transformation issues. David challenges executive teams to address seriously the scope, scale, reach and pace of disruptive change, particularly from digital disruption.

David had a broad career spanning industry, consulting, corporate finance and corporate governance, and he has launched disruptive start-ups himself. He operates under his own venture company, Charlemagne Ventures. Guillebaud worked at Arthur D. Little in two periods between 1977 and 2000. Successively based in multiple offices (Paris, Brussels and London), David was senior partner, responsible for our Travel, Tourism and Hospitality global industry practice.

He can be reached at

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