
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
Bachelor degree in Business administration

Past Experience

Roland Berger

Fernando is a Principal at Arthur D. Little based in our Madrid office and is an active member of our global TIME (Telecommunications, Information, Media & Electronics) practice.

Fernando joined ADL in 2010 and has developed his career from Analyst to Principal since, taking part in projects in Utilities, Financial, Real Estate, Education, and telecommunication industries, amongst others. He has the chance to work all over Europe and Latin America.

Fernando is also in charge of coordination HR in ADL Madrid.

He is fluent in Spanish, English, and French.

Fernando is a father of two and likes playing golf.

Attention TowerCos: It’s time to listen to your customer
Rising trend in Latin America Accelerating competition, new technological requirements, and ever-growing data demand have increased CAPEX requirements for MNOs in the Latin America (LATAM) region. Given the necessity of enhancing mobile network reach and capacity, several MNOs have sought cash relief by outsourcing their passive infrastructures to TowerCos, which handle the management of entire networks through built-to-suit (BTS) solutions.
Postal Operators
Postal operators are stressing business diversification as the core element of their strategies, in order to increase revenue and the utilization of assets, but at the same time adding complexity to their already complex portfolios and pricing structures. Players addressing portfolio complexity, have the opportunity to dramatically reduce the number of products and rates without impacting their revenue generation.

Fernando is a Principal at Arthur D. Little based in our Madrid office and is an active member of our global TIME (Telecommunications, Information, Media & Electronics) practice.

Fernando joined ADL in 2010 and has developed his career from Analyst to Principal since, taking part in projects in Utilities, Financial, Real Estate, Education, and telecommunication industries, amongst others. He has the chance to work all over Europe and Latin America.

Fernando is also in charge of coordination HR in ADL Madrid.

He is fluent in Spanish, English, and French.

Fernando is a father of two and likes playing golf.

Attention TowerCos: It’s time to listen to your customer
Rising trend in Latin America Accelerating competition, new technological requirements, and ever-growing data demand have increased CAPEX requirements for MNOs in the Latin America (LATAM) region. Given the necessity of enhancing mobile network reach and capacity, several MNOs have sought cash relief by outsourcing their passive infrastructures to TowerCos, which handle the management of entire networks through built-to-suit (BTS) solutions.
Postal Operators
Postal operators are stressing business diversification as the core element of their strategies, in order to increase revenue and the utilization of assets, but at the same time adding complexity to their already complex portfolios and pricing structures. Players addressing portfolio complexity, have the opportunity to dramatically reduce the number of products and rates without impacting their revenue generation.

More About Fernando
  • Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
    Bachelor degree in Business administration
  • Roland Berger