1 min read
Environmental Strategy – Stepping Up to Business Demands
Business leaders have recognized for some time that business decisions have environmental implications and environmental decisions have business implications. What's new is that a few companies on the cutting edge are finding ways to use the environment as a catalyst for business advantage. By incorporating environmental thinking into their basic business decision–making, they are shaping – whether consciously or unconsciously – the emerging discipline of environmental strategy. Some of the companies who are pioneering this process were represented at Arthur D. Little's Best–of–the–Best Colloquium on Environmental Strategy. Like other companies, they face many challenges as they explore ways to turn environmental strategy to competitive advantage. But as you will see, they are committed to converting their challenges into opportunities.
Business leaders have recognized for some time that business decisions have environmental implications and environmental decisions have business implications. What's new is that a few companies on the cutting edge are finding ways to use the environment as a catalyst for business advantage. By incorporating environmental thinking into their basic business decision–making, they are shaping – whether consciously or unconsciously – the emerging discipline of environmental strategy. Some of the companies who are pioneering this process were represented at Arthur D. Little's Best–of–the–Best Colloquium on Environmental Strategy. Like other companies, they face many challenges as they explore ways to turn environmental strategy to competitive advantage. But as you will see, they are committed to converting their challenges into opportunities.