2 min read • viewpoint

French media in the crisis: storm or tsunami?

Arthur D. ... See more



The French media and entertainment market has grown slightly since 2007, like most other European markets.

Arthur D. Little has conducted a complete study of the recent development of the media and entertainment market in France. In this study, which focuses on the 2007–2013 period and is complemented by a projection to 2017, we analyze the sources
of funding in the sector, as well as where the funding goes.

The media and entertainment market in France grew slightly in the 2007–2013 period (see figure 1 – Size of media market in France by type of funding), but this situation hides highly diverse dynamics according to segments. We can also see that the media market, excepting state contributions, has been virtually stable, with an annual growth rate of 0.5%.

Consumer spending generated the biggest source of revenues for the media, accounting for more than half of the market. This spending grew slightly from 2007 (+0.4% a year on average in the 2007–2013 period) as a result of the economic crisis, and
reached 23.2 billion euros in 2013. However, this growth is still double the growth in household spending in France over the
same period.

Advertising spending, the second source of revenues, accounted for 12.2 billion euros in 2007. It also grew slightly, at an average rate of +0.4% a year. However, there are marked differences between the media. Newspapers and magazines, largely replaced by the internet, saw a very sharp fall in advertising revenues (around 30% in six years). Logically enough, online advertising experienced very strong growth (+80% in six years).

Figure 1: Size of media market in France by type of funding

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