Dr. Philipp Seidel



Philipp advises clients in the automotive industry on product and market strategies, sales and after-sales optimization, and new business models for emerging mobility services.


Cath. University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
Dr. rer. pol., Diploma Business Administration
University Muenster

Past Experience

Ricardo Strategic Consulting
Senior Manager
CU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt

Philipp is a Principal at Arthur D. Little’s Munich office. His work focus and expertise are around product, technology and downstream strategies for automotive clients.

A major part of his consulting work has been dedicated to supporting automotive OEMs and suppliers in meeting fleet CO2 targets and growing e-mobility with technology studies, market insight, and the development and implementation of new-product, sales and service strategies. Recently, the identification of innovative business models with mobility services for OEM and new market entrants has become an additional focus area. Philipp has also advised various manufacturers on successfully developing businesses with racetrack, vintage and highly individualized vehicles.

His recent consulting experience includes assignments in Germany and all of Central Europe, the UK, the US and Canada, China, Malaysia and Singapore. 

Before joining Arthur D. Little, Philipp worked in the automotive industry (Audi AG), management consulting (Ricardo Strategic Consulting) and science (Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt).

Philipp holds a Diploma and a doctoral degree in Business Administration from Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, and an LL.M. from the University of Muenster (both Germany). He is fluent in German and English.

Chinese electric vehicles: Drag or driver for global markets?
Chinese electric vehicles: Drag or driver for global markets?
Factual discussion & recommendations based on a global consumer survey
Making the shift
Making the shift
When Arthur D. Little (ADL) first set up its Future of Mobility Lab in 2010, there was much optimism that by now, we would have made significant progress toward the goal of more sustainable, resilient, safe, inclusive, efficient, and human-centric mobility systems in our cities. Technological developments — particularly the rapid advances of digitalization, connectivity, and automation — promised the ability to deliver tailored, diverse, and convenient mobility solutions to customers that would be attractive enough to prompt a major shift away from private cars.
Opening the urban mine
Opening the urban mine
Creating circular supply chains is essential to the green transition, particularly when it comes to recycling and reusing rare materials. Yet, while many circular economy initiatives may be sustainable, they are not profitable, which hampers their wider development and holds back the achievement of sustainability goals.
The future of automotive mobility, 2024
The future of automotive mobility, 2024
The CASE paradigm confronts reality
The future of mobility 5.0
The future of mobility 5.0
Changing gear in the journey toward sustainable mobility
Charting the progressive course of e-mobility across the world
ESG: Last call to take effective action
ESG: Last call to take effective action
How innovation unlocks economic opportunities in a volatile world
Achieving resilience and sustainability for the EV battery supply chain
Achieving resilience and sustainability for the EV battery supply chain
However, battery supply chains remain complex, global, and fragile, with many still evolving from scratch. Their resilience is impacted by a growing number of factors, from rising raw material costs to geopolitical disruption. Average battery pack prices have risen in 2022, the first increase since 2013. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, greater regulation, and governments’ desire to localize battery production add to pressure on already-stretched global supply chains. All of these factors lead to potential bottlenecks that affect production.
Global electric mobility readiness index — GEMRIX 2022
Global electric mobility readiness index — GEMRIX 2022
Examining the transformation to EV mobility
European battery recycling: An emerging cross-industry convergence
The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and associated battery gigafactories is pushing forward the creation of a European closed-loop battery recycling value chain. Increased recycling demand, intensified EU regulations, and a strong desire to localize supply chains and safeguard critical raw materials is driving multiple opportunities. In this context, as we explore in this Viewpoint, new ecosystems are emerging, and players interested in scaling need to act quickly to take advantage of the current environment.
Car subscription schemes
Car subscription schemes
Ownership model of the future or marketing stunt?
Transforming car sales in a perfect storm
The effects of the COVID-19 crisis on automotive markets highlight the fragility of the traditional car distribution system and intensify the existing need for change. Ongoing transformations such as EV sales, new car ownership models, process digitalization, and new sales models will challenge financially weakened retailers even more. This is the time to accelerate change processes by reviewing and adapting strategies and investment plans, although financial resources will be limited over the next years.
Future car sales – how to go direct?
The physical retail store for goods and services is losing ground to new sales models and channels. Online retail, often in a direct sales set-up, continues to gain market share in almost every product category. In the automotive industry, players such as Tesla and electric vehicle (EV) start-ups, without existing widespread sales networks, sell directly through new channels, including online, urban boutiques and pop-up stores. Besides more variety in sales formats, this allows for limiting of retail costs and payout of margins to dealer networks.
Win the automotive COVID-19 rebound
Economic lockdowns in the COVID-19 crisis have quickly and severely compromised the automotive supply chain and dealerships in unprecedented ways – car sales dropped by up to 80 percent in one month and production was stopped for weeks. The recession after the crisis will cut global car demand by multi-digit percentages in 2020, followed by a slow recovery that will lag behind GDP rebound by one or two years.

Philipp is a Principal at Arthur D. Little’s Munich office. His work focus and expertise are around product, technology and downstream strategies for automotive clients.

A major part of his consulting work has been dedicated to supporting automotive OEMs and suppliers in meeting fleet CO2 targets and growing e-mobility with technology studies, market insight, and the development and implementation of new-product, sales and service strategies. Recently, the identification of innovative business models with mobility services for OEM and new market entrants has become an additional focus area. Philipp has also advised various manufacturers on successfully developing businesses with racetrack, vintage and highly individualized vehicles.

His recent consulting experience includes assignments in Germany and all of Central Europe, the UK, the US and Canada, China, Malaysia and Singapore. 

Before joining Arthur D. Little, Philipp worked in the automotive industry (Audi AG), management consulting (Ricardo Strategic Consulting) and science (Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt).

Philipp holds a Diploma and a doctoral degree in Business Administration from Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, and an LL.M. from the University of Muenster (both Germany). He is fluent in German and English.

Chinese electric vehicles: Drag or driver for global markets?
Chinese electric vehicles: Drag or driver for global markets?
Factual discussion & recommendations based on a global consumer survey
Making the shift
Making the shift
When Arthur D. Little (ADL) first set up its Future of Mobility Lab in 2010, there was much optimism that by now, we would have made significant progress toward the goal of more sustainable, resilient, safe, inclusive, efficient, and human-centric mobility systems in our cities. Technological developments — particularly the rapid advances of digitalization, connectivity, and automation — promised the ability to deliver tailored, diverse, and convenient mobility solutions to customers that would be attractive enough to prompt a major shift away from private cars.
Opening the urban mine
Opening the urban mine
Creating circular supply chains is essential to the green transition, particularly when it comes to recycling and reusing rare materials. Yet, while many circular economy initiatives may be sustainable, they are not profitable, which hampers their wider development and holds back the achievement of sustainability goals.
The future of automotive mobility, 2024
The future of automotive mobility, 2024
The CASE paradigm confronts reality
The future of mobility 5.0
The future of mobility 5.0
Changing gear in the journey toward sustainable mobility
Charting the progressive course of e-mobility across the world
ESG: Last call to take effective action
ESG: Last call to take effective action
How innovation unlocks economic opportunities in a volatile world
Achieving resilience and sustainability for the EV battery supply chain
Achieving resilience and sustainability for the EV battery supply chain
However, battery supply chains remain complex, global, and fragile, with many still evolving from scratch. Their resilience is impacted by a growing number of factors, from rising raw material costs to geopolitical disruption. Average battery pack prices have risen in 2022, the first increase since 2013. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, greater regulation, and governments’ desire to localize battery production add to pressure on already-stretched global supply chains. All of these factors lead to potential bottlenecks that affect production.
Global electric mobility readiness index — GEMRIX 2022
Global electric mobility readiness index — GEMRIX 2022
Examining the transformation to EV mobility
European battery recycling: An emerging cross-industry convergence
The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and associated battery gigafactories is pushing forward the creation of a European closed-loop battery recycling value chain. Increased recycling demand, intensified EU regulations, and a strong desire to localize supply chains and safeguard critical raw materials is driving multiple opportunities. In this context, as we explore in this Viewpoint, new ecosystems are emerging, and players interested in scaling need to act quickly to take advantage of the current environment.
Car subscription schemes
Car subscription schemes
Ownership model of the future or marketing stunt?
Transforming car sales in a perfect storm
The effects of the COVID-19 crisis on automotive markets highlight the fragility of the traditional car distribution system and intensify the existing need for change. Ongoing transformations such as EV sales, new car ownership models, process digitalization, and new sales models will challenge financially weakened retailers even more. This is the time to accelerate change processes by reviewing and adapting strategies and investment plans, although financial resources will be limited over the next years.
Future car sales – how to go direct?
The physical retail store for goods and services is losing ground to new sales models and channels. Online retail, often in a direct sales set-up, continues to gain market share in almost every product category. In the automotive industry, players such as Tesla and electric vehicle (EV) start-ups, without existing widespread sales networks, sell directly through new channels, including online, urban boutiques and pop-up stores. Besides more variety in sales formats, this allows for limiting of retail costs and payout of margins to dealer networks.
Win the automotive COVID-19 rebound
Economic lockdowns in the COVID-19 crisis have quickly and severely compromised the automotive supply chain and dealerships in unprecedented ways – car sales dropped by up to 80 percent in one month and production was stopped for weeks. The recession after the crisis will cut global car demand by multi-digit percentages in 2020, followed by a slow recovery that will lag behind GDP rebound by one or two years.

More About Philipp
  • Cath. University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
    Dr. rer. pol., Diploma Business Administration
  • University Muenster
  • Ricardo Strategic Consulting
    Senior Manager
  • CU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt