Joeri Samyn


Joeri helps businesses define and execute their transformation journey to the digital world through strategy, operating models, and technology.

Joeri Samyn


KU Leuven
M. Sc. Business Engineering in Management Information Systems (magna cum laude)
Business Strategy
Kellogg School of Management
Analytics-Powered Strategy

Past Experience


Joeri Samyn

Joeri is a Principal based in Brussels and a member of the Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) Practice. Through his expertise in digital transformation, operating models, and strategic IT, Joeri advises CDOs, CIOs, and business stakeholders on driving lasting transformation with tangible results. 

Joeri has built experience through multiple strategic and transformational missions at more than 20 clients, mainly in the energy & utilities, financial services, and manufacturing industries. Joeri has been a key contributor to thought leadership locally and internationally, with published viewpoints on the value office model for digital transformation, as well as the linkages between digital and sustainability.

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Joeri was a manager at Accenture, where he worked on the Technology Strategy team. Joeri holds a Master of Science Business Engineering in Management Information Systems from the KU Leuven, as well as certifications in Business Strategy from INSEAD and Analytics-Powered Strategy from Kellogg School of Management.

Joeri is a proud father of two sons together with his partner, Jolien. In his free time, he likes traveling with his family and has a passion for music.

Navigating AI: Challenging the north star
Navigating AI: Challenging the north star
AI adoption by companies is gathering pace, but initial use cases naturally tend to focus on optimization and efficiencies around internal use cases instead of novel AI-enabled products, services, and business models. In this Viewpoint, we use examples from a range of industries, exploring why companies should ensure they are positioned to seize long-term, revolutionary, and client-centric AI opportunities.

Joeri Samyn

Joeri is a Principal based in Brussels and a member of the Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) Practice. Through his expertise in digital transformation, operating models, and strategic IT, Joeri advises CDOs, CIOs, and business stakeholders on driving lasting transformation with tangible results. 

Joeri has built experience through multiple strategic and transformational missions at more than 20 clients, mainly in the energy & utilities, financial services, and manufacturing industries. Joeri has been a key contributor to thought leadership locally and internationally, with published viewpoints on the value office model for digital transformation, as well as the linkages between digital and sustainability.

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Joeri was a manager at Accenture, where he worked on the Technology Strategy team. Joeri holds a Master of Science Business Engineering in Management Information Systems from the KU Leuven, as well as certifications in Business Strategy from INSEAD and Analytics-Powered Strategy from Kellogg School of Management.

Joeri is a proud father of two sons together with his partner, Jolien. In his free time, he likes traveling with his family and has a passion for music.

Navigating AI: Challenging the north star
Navigating AI: Challenging the north star
AI adoption by companies is gathering pace, but initial use cases naturally tend to focus on optimization and efficiencies around internal use cases instead of novel AI-enabled products, services, and business models. In this Viewpoint, we use examples from a range of industries, exploring why companies should ensure they are positioned to seize long-term, revolutionary, and client-centric AI opportunities.

More About Joeri
  • KU Leuven
    M. Sc. Business Engineering in Management Information Systems (magna cum laude)
    Business Strategy
  • Kellogg School of Management
    Analytics-Powered Strategy
  • Accenture