Stephane Ulcakar

Associate Director

20+ years of experience as a consultant with Bain & Co and The Boston Consulting Group, and as a banker with Societe Generale and Lombard Odier

Stephane Ulcakar


Ecole Centrale de Paris
Master in Engineering
University of Essex
Master in Economics
University of La Sorbonne
BA in Financial Economics

Past Experience

Arthur D. Little
Associate Director
EY Parthenon
Bank Lombard Odier
Private Banker
The Boston Consulting Group
Bain & Company
Senior Manager
Corporate Value Associates
Societe Generale
Corporate Credit Analyst

Country Grouping

Stephane Ulcakar

Stephane Ulcakar is the Head of Corporate and Government Financial Services at Arthur D.Little. His key consulting focus are Strategy, Marketing & Sales and Mergers & Acquisitions

Stephane brings 20+ years of experience as a consultant with Bain & Co and The Boston Consulting Group, and as a banker with Societe Generale and Lombard Odier. He advised most leading MENA and CIS banks on topics related to strategy, M&A, client & value proposition. Involved in the creation of digital banks and of FinTech ecosystems. He also supported governments in MENA and Central Asia in topics related to national growth strategies, as well as Financial Sector development

Stephane has a Master’s degree in Engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Paris (France) and Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Essex (UK)

Stephane Ulcakar

Stephane Ulcakar is the Head of Corporate and Government Financial Services at Arthur D.Little. His key consulting focus are Strategy, Marketing & Sales and Mergers & Acquisitions

Stephane brings 20+ years of experience as a consultant with Bain & Co and The Boston Consulting Group, and as a banker with Societe Generale and Lombard Odier. He advised most leading MENA and CIS banks on topics related to strategy, M&A, client & value proposition. Involved in the creation of digital banks and of FinTech ecosystems. He also supported governments in MENA and Central Asia in topics related to national growth strategies, as well as Financial Sector development

Stephane has a Master’s degree in Engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Paris (France) and Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Essex (UK)

More About Stephane
  • Ecole Centrale de Paris
    Master in Engineering
  • University of Essex
    Master in Economics
  • University of La Sorbonne
    BA in Financial Economics
  • Arthur D. Little
    Associate Director
  • EY Parthenon
  • Strategy&
  • Bank Lombard Odier
    Private Banker
  • The Boston Consulting Group
  • Bain & Company
    Senior Manager
  • Corporate Value Associates
  • Societe Generale
    Corporate Credit Analyst