Information management


Becoming a successful innovator

The pace and scale of digital progress and IT innovation presents both challenge and opportunity. The vast options and combinations of technology creates complexity – and with new products emerging and prices falling, knowing when to invest is problematic.

We help clients harness the benefits of IT innovation and master IT governance and complexity. We create "successful innovators" that can take advantage of the same strategies used by companies that excel in business analytics and information management – making IT innovation a cornerstone of their business.


Arthur D. Little’s digital and information management solutions help companies successfully maximize digital benefits and optimize all aspects of their information technology. We serve clients in all industries and among all relevant pillars of information management.

Digital Value
We help clients to assess, improve and manage the business value proposition of IT.
IT as Business (and Digitalization) Enabler
We use technology as a powerful enabler of business, allowing new businesses and process automation/digitalization.
Digital Architectures
We help our clients to transform the system landscape into a flexible network of effective and efficient systems, and helping to fix the basics.
Digital Operating Model
We help to transform companies into high-performing organizations, governed by a tailored operating and IT governance model.


We have gained deep expertise in handling information and communication challenges over the years, and we thrive when dealing with complex problems with multiple potential solutions. In the digital era, we bring that experience to bear on our clients’ pressing IT and Information systems challenges. Our people have deep expertise and direct experience in IT governance best practices and help clients from every sector to optimize their businesses and continually innovate through technology. 

Learn more about some of our recent success stories below.

Our people

Our people create the difference we make for our clients, supporting them with proven strategies, innovative techniques and original ideas that find value unlock progress and create pathways to success.

management consultancy
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We work with ambitious thought leaders to uncover new growth opportunities, build innovation capabilities and transform organizations. Send us an email, get directly in touch with any of our industry professionals or make enquiries by phone with one of our global offices.


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