Naoki Matsuo



Naoki is based in Tokyo and affiliated with the OM practice


Past Experience

IT consulting firm
Accounting-based consulting firm
Waseda University
School of Political Science and Economics

Naoki joined Arthur D. Little in 2018 after spending over 10 years with the other consulting firms.

Naoki has delivered and successfully led the OM projects in multiple industries (TIME, ENUT, Construction) across a variety of topics (Growth Strategy, Transformation Execution, New Business Planning, Organization Change, Project Management Office).

He also has developed strong expertise in digital space around topics such as AI, blockchain, RPA, IoT.  In the past year, he contributed to developing new businesses by combining digital, energy, and transformation with various teams in the Tokyo office

Naoki joined Arthur D. Little in 2018 after spending over 10 years with the other consulting firms.

Naoki has delivered and successfully led the OM projects in multiple industries (TIME, ENUT, Construction) across a variety of topics (Growth Strategy, Transformation Execution, New Business Planning, Organization Change, Project Management Office).

He also has developed strong expertise in digital space around topics such as AI, blockchain, RPA, IoT.  In the past year, he contributed to developing new businesses by combining digital, energy, and transformation with various teams in the Tokyo office

More About Naoki
  • IT consulting firm
    Accounting-based consulting firm
  • Waseda University
    School of Political Science and Economics