Frederik van Oene



Frederik’s work is mostly focused on helping organizations to become better at innovating.


Twente University in the Netherlands
Chemical Engineering, Business Administration
Manchester Business School
Business Administration
INSEAD (InBoard Program)

Frederik is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in Brussels, and a member of the Technology and Innovation Management Group. Most of his work is focused on helping organizations enact the changes required to improve performance and realize their objectives. He has extensively worked in innovation, R&D and technology management, strategy implementation, and improving organization development and effectiveness in the chemicals capital goods, agriculture, aquaculture, pharmaceuticals and consumer goods industries. He has over 30 years of experience in management consulting.

He is co-author of the books Third Generation R&D Management, published by Harvard Business School Press, and The Innovation Premium, published by Perseus Books.

He regularly teaches Innovation and Technology Management.

ESG: Last call to take effective action
ESG: Last call to take effective action
From good to great: Enhancing innovation performance through effective management processes
From good to great: Enhancing innovation performance through effective management processes
Business has a crucial role to play, accounting for some two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions1. Most businesses in the developed economies have already taken at least some measures, however limited, to reduce carbon footprints in the last 20 to 30 years. Today the pace of action within businesses is rapidly accelerating – though some observers would criticize business for achieving too little, too late.

Frederik is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in Brussels, and a member of the Technology and Innovation Management Group. Most of his work is focused on helping organizations enact the changes required to improve performance and realize their objectives. He has extensively worked in innovation, R&D and technology management, strategy implementation, and improving organization development and effectiveness in the chemicals capital goods, agriculture, aquaculture, pharmaceuticals and consumer goods industries. He has over 30 years of experience in management consulting.

He is co-author of the books Third Generation R&D Management, published by Harvard Business School Press, and The Innovation Premium, published by Perseus Books.

He regularly teaches Innovation and Technology Management.

ESG: Last call to take effective action
ESG: Last call to take effective action
From good to great: Enhancing innovation performance through effective management processes
From good to great: Enhancing innovation performance through effective management processes
Business has a crucial role to play, accounting for some two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions1. Most businesses in the developed economies have already taken at least some measures, however limited, to reduce carbon footprints in the last 20 to 30 years. Today the pace of action within businesses is rapidly accelerating – though some observers would criticize business for achieving too little, too late.

More About Frederik
  • Twente University in the Netherlands
    Chemical Engineering, Business Administration
  • Manchester Business School
    Business Administration
  • INSEAD (InBoard Program)