Chiara Loreti



Chiara consolidates experience in strategic and financial planning, market analysis, business due diligence, corporate finance, and organizational and process improvement, mainly in Energy & Utilities.

Chiara Loreti


Luigi Bocconi University (Italy)
Degree in Economics (cum laude)

Past Experience

Ernst & Young Financial Business Advisors
Business Analyst

Chiara Loreti

Chiara is a Principal at Arthur D. Little in the Rome office and a member of our “Strategy & Organization” and “Energy & Utilities” global practices. She joined the firm in 2006.

Chiara has consolidated experience in projects in strategic and business planning, market analysis and corporate finance operations (sell-side/buy-side M&A, IPO, valuations, etc.) and organizational reengineering,

She has mainly worked with Energy & Utilities companies and acquired deep know-how in these industries (gas, electricity, water, waste).

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Chiara worked at Ernst & Young Financial Business Advisors as a Business Analyst for 2 years.

Chiara graduated in Economics from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.

Chiara is married, has one daughter and knows how to balance work and life in order to improve the quality of both.

Oil, petrochemicals & water: Finding a new equilibrium
Oil, petrochemicals & water: Finding a new equilibrium
Water is a vital resource for human life — and for many industrial processes. Water scarcity is a growing global trend, exacerbated by climate change and increasing demand. As major users of water, how can the oil refining and petrochemical sectors improve water management, guarantee supply, and protect the local environment? This Viewpoint explains the current context and outlines strategies to meet the industry’s current and future water challenges.
Planning strategic competences of the future
Different companies from different industries have been linking HR planning with corporate strategy, but how could HR become an enabler of success? While most often, HR planning is focused on workload management and the short term (or at least the medium term, according to the strategic planning horizon), over the next 5 to 10 years many relevant emerging trends could affect the business: technology switch, multi-channel sales, the customer of the future, industry convergence, open innovation.
Output-based regulation
The regulatory environment in Europe is pushing network utilities to face new challenges that will heavily impact their operations. Regulators all over Europe are watching the tariff mechanism introduced in Great Britain, named RIIO, which is based on incentives, with interest. Many have plans to introduce similar outputbased methodologies already under way.

Chiara Loreti

Chiara is a Principal at Arthur D. Little in the Rome office and a member of our “Strategy & Organization” and “Energy & Utilities” global practices. She joined the firm in 2006.

Chiara has consolidated experience in projects in strategic and business planning, market analysis and corporate finance operations (sell-side/buy-side M&A, IPO, valuations, etc.) and organizational reengineering,

She has mainly worked with Energy & Utilities companies and acquired deep know-how in these industries (gas, electricity, water, waste).

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Chiara worked at Ernst & Young Financial Business Advisors as a Business Analyst for 2 years.

Chiara graduated in Economics from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.

Chiara is married, has one daughter and knows how to balance work and life in order to improve the quality of both.

Oil, petrochemicals & water: Finding a new equilibrium
Oil, petrochemicals & water: Finding a new equilibrium
Water is a vital resource for human life — and for many industrial processes. Water scarcity is a growing global trend, exacerbated by climate change and increasing demand. As major users of water, how can the oil refining and petrochemical sectors improve water management, guarantee supply, and protect the local environment? This Viewpoint explains the current context and outlines strategies to meet the industry’s current and future water challenges.
Planning strategic competences of the future
Different companies from different industries have been linking HR planning with corporate strategy, but how could HR become an enabler of success? While most often, HR planning is focused on workload management and the short term (or at least the medium term, according to the strategic planning horizon), over the next 5 to 10 years many relevant emerging trends could affect the business: technology switch, multi-channel sales, the customer of the future, industry convergence, open innovation.
Output-based regulation
The regulatory environment in Europe is pushing network utilities to face new challenges that will heavily impact their operations. Regulators all over Europe are watching the tariff mechanism introduced in Great Britain, named RIIO, which is based on incentives, with interest. Many have plans to introduce similar outputbased methodologies already under way.

More About Chiara
  • Luigi Bocconi University (Italy)
    Degree in Economics (cum laude)
  • Ernst & Young Financial Business Advisors
    Business Analyst