2 min read • viewpoint

Digital Transformation

How to become Digital Leader




GermanyManaging Partner



As part of an international cross-industry study, Arthur D. Little has considered the digital maturity of more than 100 European companies from seven industries in detail and systematically assessed them. The Arthur D. Little Digital Transformation Index (DTI) shows that few firms can be considered "digital oriented" or "digital centric". Only about 20 percent of companies know how to make digitization active, and the rest are simply trying to respond to digital developments - without a conclusive overall concept. Read more and take a deep dive into our study results:

+ Digitization will change the competitive environment of all industries significantly + Most industries are already affected by digital disruption or realize that they will be soon + Few companies yet follow a consistent digitization approach for their whole business mode + Companies underestimate opportunities in Operations and in Business Model Redesign + There is a huge demand and backlog for the majority to deal with "Digital" properly + No industry can claim to be a digital front-runner; however, each industry has its outperformers + Most companies are either not aware of or ignore potential threats from digital disruptors + Companies are too slow in transformation, though they face rapidly evolving digital competition + Third-party integration is often underrated, as companies still try to solve problems on their own + The usage of "smart data", and thus also personalized offerings, lag behind


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