Arthur D. Little: Cost reduction in the telecom industry
<p>Report warns: operators must act to escape from the low-profit spiral</p>
- Operational saving measures (low benefit and low effort) which can be realized within the day-to-day operation and render saving benefits in the region of 10% per annum. Examples are the changing of maintenance service levels, backhauling optimization or introduction of QoS concepts for bandwidth management.
- Strategic saving measures (high benefit and high effort), which can provide substantial savings benefits, but are likely to require changes to the business model. Examples are consolidation of the wireless and wireline sides of an operator or entering intensive LTE/4G or FTTx network co-operations to save investments and subsequent network operation costs. Integrated operators have the further option of limiting mobile network investments by offloading mobile data traffic via WiFi or via femtocell technology.
Arthur D. Little: Cost reduction in the telecom industry
<p>Report warns: operators must act to escape from the low-profit spiral</p>
- Operational saving measures (low benefit and low effort) which can be realized within the day-to-day operation and render saving benefits in the region of 10% per annum. Examples are the changing of maintenance service levels, backhauling optimization or introduction of QoS concepts for bandwidth management.
- Strategic saving measures (high benefit and high effort), which can provide substantial savings benefits, but are likely to require changes to the business model. Examples are consolidation of the wireless and wireline sides of an operator or entering intensive LTE/4G or FTTx network co-operations to save investments and subsequent network operation costs. Integrated operators have the further option of limiting mobile network investments by offloading mobile data traffic via WiFi or via femtocell technology.