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Dispute Resolution Support Services

Contractual, commercial and technical expertise in the global energy industry



United KingdomManaging Partner


Dispute Resolution Support Services at Arthur D. Little

The senior members of our Dispute Resolution Support team have worked on the commercial and technical aspects of the global energy industry since the 1970s. They have personal experience of negotiating Production Sharing Agreements, LNG & Gas Sales Agreements, including gas storage agreements, transactional valuations, infrastructure access disputes and associated damages claims. We offer our clients valuable insights into custom & practice in the global energy industry, and related technical, commercial and contractual matters.

Our team regularly provides expert witness testimony in contractual disputes, supporting clients involved in complex litigation and arbitration proceedings. We work throughout the value chain, including upstream oil & gas, pipelines and LNG, gas storage, trading and retail. Our clients span the entire energy spectrum, from global oil and gas companies and large multi-national utilities, to small niche players in specific markets, plus National Oil Companies, governments and regulatory bodies. Our work is global by nature, and we have experience in Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East.

We have been called as Experts in arbitration proceedings under UNCITRAL, ICC and other procedural rules, in addition to supporting clients and their Counsel in contractual disputes which do not go to litigation or arbitration. Knowing not just “what to say” but “how to say it” is often critical to our clients’ success.

Why we are different

Our experience is real, relevant and recent:

  • Over the past five years alone, our team has been involved in over 70 disputes, and been cross-examined around 35 times.
  • Our Global Energy Practice colleagues work on strategic and operational challenges with major energy players, so we have our finger on the pulse of current day operations, in addition to our Dispute Advisory expertise.
  • We are committed to the highest standards of ethics for expert support and we remain independent, willing to debate and disagree with our client and their Counsel where necessary.