

From the C-Suite to shop floor

The strategy consultancy at ADL use industry expertise and organizational know-how, to develop and implement high-performance processes that mobilize and energize the change agents in your organization – your people.


Business strategy is about making conscious decisions about the actions to take and not to take. It aims to point at the overall direction while preserving high flexibility to adapt to environmental changes. Arthur D. Little’s launch of the high-performance business model in the 1990s  triggered a holistic approach to strategy. Built on the premise that balanced stakeholder satisfaction and the alignment of strategies, processes, resources and organization (S/P/R/O) are crucial to sustainable success.  Senior executives who are determined to be winners and create future history will put that thinking into practice.

Holding Strategy
Relations between HQ and subsidiaries are often guarded or adversarial. Our engagement model helps business run smoothly and avoid conflict.
We have developed a framework to bring a holistic perspective of developing an investment strategy for diversification in an era of convergence.
“Why Strategy”
We have developed a methodology based on “Why strategy”, allowing companies to strengthen business strategy, enhance customer experience and transform the organization.
Ambition-Driven Strategy & Condition-Driven Strategy
We have developed a range of methodologies to respond to strategy development needs, by aligning ambitions, conditions and strategic plans with business plans and budgets.
Uncertain Environment
We have developed a pragmatic approach, helping businesses make decisions quicker while evaluating risk and taking uncertainties into account.
Regulatory Strategy
We help clients realize their full potential by maximizing efficiency and minimizing bureaucracy.
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
We provide an independent expert opinion in support of a contractual or legal dispute or in anticipation of a dispute, or as part of a negotiation process.
Tender Management
We use our broad expertise to help enable support of public- and private-sector clients in all aspects of tender management.
Strategy by Analogy
Strategic and organizational problems in specific industries sometimes appear more complex and novel than they actually are, we use our deep expertise to provide innovative insights and solutions.
Value-Based Management (VBM)
Our philosophy is simple – the value of a company is defined as its discounted future cash flows. We help measure and manage value by combining industry expertise with VBM expertise.
Business-Cycle Management
We utilize our proven concepts and global resources to create superior competitiveness for our clients.
Family-Business Strategy
We use our in-depth understanding of family-run businesses and the dynamics of the key constituents to help run family businesses more effectively.


We’ve been providing game-changing strategic advice to clients for 135 years. We help implement business level strategy that provides long-term direction, but have flexibility to adapt to external forces. Our S/P/R/O model was ground-breaking when introduced in the 1990s. Senior execs determined to succeed in the 21st century still put its thinking into practice every day

Linking people and technology with strategic direction we make a powerful difference for clients – accelerating performance and digital innovation, speeding transformation through converge and helping make a positive impact on their people, business, and the wider world. Here are some of our recent strategic successes.

Our people

Our people create the difference we make for our clients, supporting them with proven strategies, innovative techniques and original ideas that find value unlock progress and create pathways to success.

management consultancy
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Unlock a powerful difference

We work with ambitious thought leaders to uncover new growth opportunities, build innovation capabilities and transform organizations. Send us an email, get directly in touch with any of our industry professionals or make enquiries by phone with one of our global offices.


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