1 min read • viewpoint

Maximize value from quality-testing operations:

Is your lab “market ready”?

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Kurt Baes

BelgiumManaging Partner


Quality testing in F&B is business critical to ensure consistent good end-product quality and protect the corporate brand. However, despite significant budgets spent, there is often limited clarity and transparency about the incurred costs and operational performance of their testing laboratories. Typically, over 90% of routine testing lead times are “non-value adding” and up to 20% of the staff in quality-testing laboratories could be smartly reallocated by redefining the organizational setup, refocusing activities and redefining key processes. In order to turn this untapped potential into sustainable results, business executives can address the predominantly technical environment of quality-testing operations from a business perspective. The best way to start making this happen is to shift the focus externally, towards the lab’s clients and their needs.

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