Andrea Visentin



Andrea combines broad cross-sector experience with deep expertise in strategy and operations to help clients in improving their commercial performance.


La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
MSc in Nuclear Engineering
La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
BS in Industrial Engineering

Past Experience

Rados Technology
Project Manager
LeCroy Corporation
Development Engineer

Andrea Visentin is a Principal of Arthur D. Little Italy, based in Rome (Italy), and a member of the “Automotive and Manufacturing Goods”, “Energy & Utilities” and “Operations Management” Practices. 

Since joining Arthur D. Little, Andrea’s consulting work has been very broad and touched different areas: operational and performance improvement, business planning, due diligence, re-organization and industrial restructuring, supply chain management, risk management, marketing & sales excellence, CRM. 

He has served many clients, mainly in the Energy, Automotive and Manufacturing sectors, and participated in several international projects: The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Middle East, Egypt, Kazakhstan. 

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Andrea Visentin worked as project manager in the Italian branch of a Finnish nuclear instrumentation manufacturer. Formerly, he had worked as a research engineer for the R&D department of an electronics instrumentation manufacturer in New York, USA.

Andrea Visentin holds a BS in Industrial Engineering and an MSc in Nuclear Engineering, both from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy; he is also a Chartered Engineer. 

Accelerating the financing of sustainable transport fuels
Accelerating the financing of sustainable transport fuels
Transport was responsible for 14% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2023. While electrification is the most efficient way to decarbonize road transport, inland/nearshore shipping, and even short-haul flights, it does not cover every use case. That means different approaches will be needed for areas such as long-haul flights (2% of GHG emissions) and shipping (1% of GHG emissions).
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Il settore del trasporto pubblico locale italiano soffre di limitazioni strutturali che ne condizionano profondamente la trasformazione tecnologica e operativa. Nel mezzo di una transizione globale verso modelli di gestione più eco-sostenibili, il settore ha bisogno di un forte cambio di passo e di una governance rinnovata che, unita a una struttura finanziaria efficiente, possa utilizzare i fondi del Recovery Plan come un volano economico in grado di imprimere un’accelerazione alla trasformazione del settore da realizzarsi nei prossimi 10-13 anni.
Act now for full digital transformation of air traffic control
Leveraging COVID-19 crisis for more efficient, sustainable, and effective business models for ANSPs.

Andrea Visentin is a Principal of Arthur D. Little Italy, based in Rome (Italy), and a member of the “Automotive and Manufacturing Goods”, “Energy & Utilities” and “Operations Management” Practices. 

Since joining Arthur D. Little, Andrea’s consulting work has been very broad and touched different areas: operational and performance improvement, business planning, due diligence, re-organization and industrial restructuring, supply chain management, risk management, marketing & sales excellence, CRM. 

He has served many clients, mainly in the Energy, Automotive and Manufacturing sectors, and participated in several international projects: The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Middle East, Egypt, Kazakhstan. 

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Andrea Visentin worked as project manager in the Italian branch of a Finnish nuclear instrumentation manufacturer. Formerly, he had worked as a research engineer for the R&D department of an electronics instrumentation manufacturer in New York, USA.

Andrea Visentin holds a BS in Industrial Engineering and an MSc in Nuclear Engineering, both from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy; he is also a Chartered Engineer. 

Accelerating the financing of sustainable transport fuels
Accelerating the financing of sustainable transport fuels
Transport was responsible for 14% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2023. While electrification is the most efficient way to decarbonize road transport, inland/nearshore shipping, and even short-haul flights, it does not cover every use case. That means different approaches will be needed for areas such as long-haul flights (2% of GHG emissions) and shipping (1% of GHG emissions).
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Il settore del trasporto pubblico locale italiano soffre di limitazioni strutturali che ne condizionano profondamente la trasformazione tecnologica e operativa. Nel mezzo di una transizione globale verso modelli di gestione più eco-sostenibili, il settore ha bisogno di un forte cambio di passo e di una governance rinnovata che, unita a una struttura finanziaria efficiente, possa utilizzare i fondi del Recovery Plan come un volano economico in grado di imprimere un’accelerazione alla trasformazione del settore da realizzarsi nei prossimi 10-13 anni.
Act now for full digital transformation of air traffic control
Leveraging COVID-19 crisis for more efficient, sustainable, and effective business models for ANSPs.

More About Andrea
  • La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
    MSc in Nuclear Engineering
  • La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
    BS in Industrial Engineering
  • Rados Technology
    Project Manager
  • LeCroy Corporation
    Development Engineer