Francesco Marsella


Managing Partner, Global Practice Leader, Strategy & Organization

Francesco leads the marketing & sales center of competence of the Automotive practice, helping clients on growth-related projects and business transformation programs.


SDA Bocconi Milan
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Università La Sapienza Roma
Master’s Degree in Engineering
ESADE Business School
Visiting Student

Past Experience

Atlantia Group
Project Manager

Main Title Secondary - For Display Purposes

Francesco is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in our Rome office, and leads Arthur D. Little’s Global Strategy & Organization practice. He’s also the leader of the marketing & sales center of competence of the Automotive and Manufacturing Goods Practice.

Since joining Arthur D. Little in 2007, Francesco has served clients throughout Europe, supporting leading automotive OEMs on strategic and growth-related projects and large-business transformation programs.

His expertise ranges from customer experience and digital marketing to pricing, and from go-to-market strategy and market-coverage optimization to performance improvement.

Francesco began his carrier in the travel & transportation industry, working at Atlantia Group as a project manager.

Francesco holds a Master of Business Administration at SDA Bocconi in Milan, visiting student at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, and a Master’s Degree in Engineering at Rome University “La Sapienza”.

Optimistic global CEOs focus on people and skills in an AI future
Optimistic global CEOs focus on people and skills in an AI future
Embracing the opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) and talent together can unlock, CEOs are looking beyond the current instability, and increasingly confident about the future prospects for their organizations and the wider economy. Two-thirds are highly positive about the global outlook over the next three to five years, a major increase from 2023. Given that global tensions have worsened over the last 12 months, with conflict in the Middle East, disruptions to Red Sea supply chains, and the continuing war in Ukraine, this optimism is dramatic and heartening.
Positive in an uncertain world: Confident CEOs reskill companies for AI-driven growth
Positive in an uncertain world: Confident CEOs reskill companies for AI-driven growth
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Il settore del trasporto pubblico locale italiano soffre di limitazioni strutturali che ne condizionano profondamente la trasformazione tecnologica e operativa. Nel mezzo di una transizione globale verso modelli di gestione più eco-sostenibili, il settore ha bisogno di un forte cambio di passo e di una governance rinnovata che, unita a una struttura finanziaria efficiente, possa utilizzare i fondi del Recovery Plan come un volano economico in grado di imprimere un’accelerazione alla trasformazione del settore da realizzarsi nei prossimi 10-13 anni.
Embracing uncertainty, driving growth
Embracing uncertainty, driving growth
A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind, according to a Chinese proverb – and the world is currently beset with crises. The global pandemic, climate change, and unprecedented geopolitical volatility have provided a wake-up call to all organizations, bringing a long-lasting era of worldwide economic growth to a close.
Time to renew your pilot’s license?
Time to renew your pilot’s license?
Turning Turmoil to Advantage: How CEOs Are Navigating Change to Drive Growth
Postal operators: The need for transformation and corresponding strategic moves
Postal operators: The need for transformation and corresponding strategic moves
From the first horse-drawn couriers to drone delivery via creating the “penny black” stamp, the automation of sorting, and so on, postal operators (“posts”) have always adapted. Moreover, given their public service spirit, they have shown great resilience to unforeseen obstacles. This explains their longevity. But digitalization of the economy is changing the context of posts — in a positive way as e-commerce increases but negatively as mail and retail networks use declines.
Act now for full digital transformation of air traffic control
Leveraging COVID-19 crisis for more efficient, sustainable, and effective business models for ANSPs.
Making the drone revolution a reality
How to enable the drone economy faster while overcoming major obstacles
Design the information-driven enterprise
Is your organization ready for the information-driven transformation ? As the digital transformation accelerates, companies are speeding up their efforts to unleash the benefits of data across their different businesses and departments. Undertaking a comprehensive information-driven transformation requires developing the organizational capabilities that enable better decision making and realizing the full value of data.
The Company of Tomorrow
The COVID-19 crisis hit the world as this edition of Prism was in preparation. Needless to say, the outlook for business, at least in the short term, has changed radically in just a few weeks. Nevertheless, it’s becoming increasingly clear that one effect of the crisis has been acceleration of trends that were already there, such as virtualization of the workplace, further penetration of digital technologies (for example, AI and the IoT), and “asset-light” business models that make businesses more responsive and resilient to rapid shocks.
Aviation year zero – The future is reinvention
It is clear to all that COVID-19 has dealt a devastating blow to the aviation industry. However, while the pre-crisis industry was still thriving from the waves of globalization and commoditization of travel, it was already facing threats such as environmental pressures, unbalanced profit sharing along the value chain, and multiple constraints on operational and business agility. The recovery phase will be extremely challenging, and we believe future growth will involve nothing less than reinvention of the industry.

Francesco is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in our Rome office, and leads Arthur D. Little’s Global Strategy & Organization practice. He’s also the leader of the marketing & sales center of competence of the Automotive and Manufacturing Goods Practice.

Since joining Arthur D. Little in 2007, Francesco has served clients throughout Europe, supporting leading automotive OEMs on strategic and growth-related projects and large-business transformation programs.

His expertise ranges from customer experience and digital marketing to pricing, and from go-to-market strategy and market-coverage optimization to performance improvement.

Francesco began his carrier in the travel & transportation industry, working at Atlantia Group as a project manager.

Francesco holds a Master of Business Administration at SDA Bocconi in Milan, visiting student at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, and a Master’s Degree in Engineering at Rome University “La Sapienza”.

Optimistic global CEOs focus on people and skills in an AI future
Optimistic global CEOs focus on people and skills in an AI future
Embracing the opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) and talent together can unlock, CEOs are looking beyond the current instability, and increasingly confident about the future prospects for their organizations and the wider economy. Two-thirds are highly positive about the global outlook over the next three to five years, a major increase from 2023. Given that global tensions have worsened over the last 12 months, with conflict in the Middle East, disruptions to Red Sea supply chains, and the continuing war in Ukraine, this optimism is dramatic and heartening.
Positive in an uncertain world: Confident CEOs reskill companies for AI-driven growth
Positive in an uncertain world: Confident CEOs reskill companies for AI-driven growth
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Trasporto pubblico locale: serve un cambio di marcia
Il settore del trasporto pubblico locale italiano soffre di limitazioni strutturali che ne condizionano profondamente la trasformazione tecnologica e operativa. Nel mezzo di una transizione globale verso modelli di gestione più eco-sostenibili, il settore ha bisogno di un forte cambio di passo e di una governance rinnovata che, unita a una struttura finanziaria efficiente, possa utilizzare i fondi del Recovery Plan come un volano economico in grado di imprimere un’accelerazione alla trasformazione del settore da realizzarsi nei prossimi 10-13 anni.
Embracing uncertainty, driving growth
Embracing uncertainty, driving growth
A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind, according to a Chinese proverb – and the world is currently beset with crises. The global pandemic, climate change, and unprecedented geopolitical volatility have provided a wake-up call to all organizations, bringing a long-lasting era of worldwide economic growth to a close.
Time to renew your pilot’s license?
Time to renew your pilot’s license?
Turning Turmoil to Advantage: How CEOs Are Navigating Change to Drive Growth
Postal operators: The need for transformation and corresponding strategic moves
Postal operators: The need for transformation and corresponding strategic moves
From the first horse-drawn couriers to drone delivery via creating the “penny black” stamp, the automation of sorting, and so on, postal operators (“posts”) have always adapted. Moreover, given their public service spirit, they have shown great resilience to unforeseen obstacles. This explains their longevity. But digitalization of the economy is changing the context of posts — in a positive way as e-commerce increases but negatively as mail and retail networks use declines.
Act now for full digital transformation of air traffic control
Leveraging COVID-19 crisis for more efficient, sustainable, and effective business models for ANSPs.
Making the drone revolution a reality
How to enable the drone economy faster while overcoming major obstacles
Design the information-driven enterprise
Is your organization ready for the information-driven transformation ? As the digital transformation accelerates, companies are speeding up their efforts to unleash the benefits of data across their different businesses and departments. Undertaking a comprehensive information-driven transformation requires developing the organizational capabilities that enable better decision making and realizing the full value of data.
The Company of Tomorrow
The COVID-19 crisis hit the world as this edition of Prism was in preparation. Needless to say, the outlook for business, at least in the short term, has changed radically in just a few weeks. Nevertheless, it’s becoming increasingly clear that one effect of the crisis has been acceleration of trends that were already there, such as virtualization of the workplace, further penetration of digital technologies (for example, AI and the IoT), and “asset-light” business models that make businesses more responsive and resilient to rapid shocks.
Aviation year zero – The future is reinvention
It is clear to all that COVID-19 has dealt a devastating blow to the aviation industry. However, while the pre-crisis industry was still thriving from the waves of globalization and commoditization of travel, it was already facing threats such as environmental pressures, unbalanced profit sharing along the value chain, and multiple constraints on operational and business agility. The recovery phase will be extremely challenging, and we believe future growth will involve nothing less than reinvention of the industry.

More About Francesco
  • SDA Bocconi Milan
    Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Università La Sapienza Roma
    Master’s Degree in Engineering
  • ESADE Business School
    Visiting Student
  • Atlantia Group
    Project Manager