Florence Carlot



Florence has supported many utilities & alternative energy projects. She has gained deep experience in investment opportunity assessment and market-entry strategy.

Florence Carlot


Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (ICHEC) – Belgium
Master in Commercial Sciences, specializing in International Management

Past Experience

Baringa Partners
Sia Partners
Senior Consultant
Business Analyst

Florence Carlot

Florence is a Partner based in the Brussels office and leading the “Energy & Utility” practice in Belgium. She is also an active member of the “Strategy & Organization” practice.

Florence has been working within the European energy and utilities sector for over 18 years. She has worked with several leading energy companies and utilities all over Europe , enabling large operational and strategic-change initiatives in the wholesale, generation, network and retail areas of business. Through her various experience, Florence has developed a strong understanding of the strategic challenges and decision-making processes energy companies face along their whole value chain.

Her experience has been gathered from a variety of roles in corporate strategy, investment opportunities assessment and transactions, market-entry strategy, business optimization and project management. 

She is an experienced consultant who is used to balancing high-level shaping with detailed analysis to find and deliver pragmatic solutions to problems on numerous topics. 

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Florence worked for other consultancies, mainly in the utility and energy industry. Florence holds a Commercial Sciences master’s degree from ICHEC. She is fluent in French, English, and Dutch. 
In addition to her consulting career, Florence is the happy mother of two beautiful daughters.

The race to smart home energy management systems
The race to smart home energy management systems
Amidst the uncertainties and challenges of today’s energy market, home energy management systems (HEMS) can offer value to end users by addressing unmet needs and emerging pain points such as energy consumption optimization, automation, and affordability of energy bills, while allowing companies to diversify and/or enhance their value proposition. The latter has already motivated companies within and outside the traditional energy ecosystem to investigate the opportunity.
While much of the focus on achieving net zero has been on green electricity, momentum is growing behind hydrogen within the energy transition, with the IEA predicting a four-fold increase in demand between now and 2040.
Offshore wind & hydrogen integration
Offshore wind & hydrogen integration
Taking demand-side response to the household level
Taking demand-side response to the household level
Within an extremely limited period and without a break, Europe — and the world as a whole — is undergoing the second consecutive major shock spanning geographies and industries. Both businesses and households alike are feeling the depths of the current energy crisis in their energy bills. However, this ongoing crisis will undoubtedly represent opportunities, too.
Powering India’s energy vision 2030
Powering India’s energy vision 2030
Energy crisis & beyond
Energy crisis & beyond
Energy retailers have been facing unfavorable market evolutions for multiple consecutive years, triggering a first wave of bankruptcies in the industry and preventing important innovations to exploit new healthy revenue streams, among which are the required investments to accelerate the energy transition. With the current energy crisis, even major players are alarmed due to skyrocketing prices and customers faulting on their energy bills.
The rise of the energy community & its lifeline to the battery
Increased consumer engagement combined with growing availability of affordable, small-scale distributed energy resources (DERs), along with legislative changes, present opportunities for local energy community (LEC) initiatives, in which consumers can actively participate in optimizing their energy bills. These initiatives can protect consumers from high and extremely volatile energy prices. Moreover, opportunities are emerging for traditional and nontraditional market players to enable and facilitate these new community models.
Energy retailers’ business model
Phaseout of supply generation assets such as coal, a high demand for gas in Asian markets pushing down European supply, cold weather, and the shortage of Russian gas supply together have led to record energy prices across Europe. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia will likely worsen the already dramatic situation on energy markets. The consequences are dramatic, both for retailers and consumers. On the one hand, there have been a series of electricity and gas retailer bankruptcies, as they have been unable to pass the full cost of the commodity price increase to end consumers.

Florence Carlot

Florence is a Partner based in the Brussels office and leading the “Energy & Utility” practice in Belgium. She is also an active member of the “Strategy & Organization” practice.

Florence has been working within the European energy and utilities sector for over 18 years. She has worked with several leading energy companies and utilities all over Europe , enabling large operational and strategic-change initiatives in the wholesale, generation, network and retail areas of business. Through her various experience, Florence has developed a strong understanding of the strategic challenges and decision-making processes energy companies face along their whole value chain.

Her experience has been gathered from a variety of roles in corporate strategy, investment opportunities assessment and transactions, market-entry strategy, business optimization and project management. 

She is an experienced consultant who is used to balancing high-level shaping with detailed analysis to find and deliver pragmatic solutions to problems on numerous topics. 

Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Florence worked for other consultancies, mainly in the utility and energy industry. Florence holds a Commercial Sciences master’s degree from ICHEC. She is fluent in French, English, and Dutch. 
In addition to her consulting career, Florence is the happy mother of two beautiful daughters.

The race to smart home energy management systems
The race to smart home energy management systems
Amidst the uncertainties and challenges of today’s energy market, home energy management systems (HEMS) can offer value to end users by addressing unmet needs and emerging pain points such as energy consumption optimization, automation, and affordability of energy bills, while allowing companies to diversify and/or enhance their value proposition. The latter has already motivated companies within and outside the traditional energy ecosystem to investigate the opportunity.
While much of the focus on achieving net zero has been on green electricity, momentum is growing behind hydrogen within the energy transition, with the IEA predicting a four-fold increase in demand between now and 2040.
Offshore wind & hydrogen integration
Offshore wind & hydrogen integration
Taking demand-side response to the household level
Taking demand-side response to the household level
Within an extremely limited period and without a break, Europe — and the world as a whole — is undergoing the second consecutive major shock spanning geographies and industries. Both businesses and households alike are feeling the depths of the current energy crisis in their energy bills. However, this ongoing crisis will undoubtedly represent opportunities, too.
Powering India’s energy vision 2030
Powering India’s energy vision 2030
Energy crisis & beyond
Energy crisis & beyond
Energy retailers have been facing unfavorable market evolutions for multiple consecutive years, triggering a first wave of bankruptcies in the industry and preventing important innovations to exploit new healthy revenue streams, among which are the required investments to accelerate the energy transition. With the current energy crisis, even major players are alarmed due to skyrocketing prices and customers faulting on their energy bills.
The rise of the energy community & its lifeline to the battery
Increased consumer engagement combined with growing availability of affordable, small-scale distributed energy resources (DERs), along with legislative changes, present opportunities for local energy community (LEC) initiatives, in which consumers can actively participate in optimizing their energy bills. These initiatives can protect consumers from high and extremely volatile energy prices. Moreover, opportunities are emerging for traditional and nontraditional market players to enable and facilitate these new community models.
Energy retailers’ business model
Phaseout of supply generation assets such as coal, a high demand for gas in Asian markets pushing down European supply, cold weather, and the shortage of Russian gas supply together have led to record energy prices across Europe. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia will likely worsen the already dramatic situation on energy markets. The consequences are dramatic, both for retailers and consumers. On the one hand, there have been a series of electricity and gas retailer bankruptcies, as they have been unable to pass the full cost of the commodity price increase to end consumers.

More About Florence
  • Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (ICHEC) – Belgium
    Master in Commercial Sciences, specializing in International Management
  • Baringa Partners
  • Sia Partners
    Senior Consultant
  • Accenture
    Business Analyst